Essential Tips for Painting Texture Restoration
The trick to restoring your walls is picking the right technique. The first step is getting your surface ready for painting, and there are a few options you’ll want to consider before you make that decision. If you’ve decided that it’s time to give your home’s interior walls new life, then let our professional painting contractor walk you through some painting texture restoration tips below:
Get your walls ready for the job.
Before you can paint, you need to prepare the walls. Wash them with warm water and soap, then rinse them well to remove any dirt or grime that may be on them. If there’s wallpaper on your wall, remove it now by scraping away at its edges with a putty knife until it peels off easily. Prepare the surface of your walls so they’re ready for painting. This means filling cracks or holes in plaster or drywall with spackling compound or sanding down rough patches so they’re smooth
Pick the right paint.
Paint is a big part of the job, but it’s not the only part. You also need to choose a paint that is appropriate for the texture you’re trying to cover. If you choose paint that is too thick or thin, then your wall will look streaky and uneven when finished. If using brushes or rollers, make sure they are sized properly as well!
Start with a topcoat and finish with a base coat.
To protect the base coat, use a topcoat. A good topcoat will provide your paint job with a nice sheen and smooth finish. It also prevents moisture from penetrating into the base coat, which can lead to peeling and cracking over time. If you’re planning on painting over an existing wall texture, we recommend using flat or satin finishes for your first coat of paint instead of semi-gloss or glossy finishes because these have less shine than their shinier counterparts
For quality paint texture restorations here in Escondido, CA, you may contact Pro Home Improvement and hire a professional painting contractor for exceptional painting services. Call us at (760) 388-2164 today!